Our Western culture indoctrinates us to believe that money, wealth, success, ego, etc. are the most important things. We learn this from an early age. We are encouraged to succeed, but with little thought for what makes us truly happy. I call it the “hamster wheel syndrome“: we go to school, maybe college, find a partner (because we all know at that stage only a man/woman can make you truly happy!), settle down, have kids, get a mortgage, go to work, juggle… and then what?
We come to a startling realisation – is this all there is? Or even worse, who am I? Someone’s wife (or ex-wife/husband by now)? Someone’s mother/father? Someone’s employee? But who am I REALLY?
That’s when the magic begins. When we start to question where we are, and what we want to change, our thoughts become things and the blockages dissolve.